Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Batter Up!

That's right! We are starting him young! However, I am quite convinced that somehow Grady already has baseball running through his genes... He will take his little bat (a.k.a. bam bam as we call it) everywhere with him! It is his favorite toy! I asked Buddy if he thought it was normal for a 1 year old to be so entertained with just a bat? Now, you could view this two ways... 1. Wow! That's great! Super easy kid to entertain! or 2. He hits everything in sight with his bam bam and laughs! We are working on the latter and currently trying to teach him only to hit balls! This comes after he hit mommy and gave her a bloody fat lip! Don't worry I recovered quickly, but it may be time for him to learn a little lesson. ;) Hitting people and all objects besides balls aside, we are very proud and amazed by our little guy's young talent! Here is a video... He actually hit the ball better the first time but of course we didn't have the video camera out then. :)

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